Frequently Asked Questions
How does individual or group consulting work?
An hour appointment is offered free of charge. The objective of this appointment is to present and discuss:
- Client expectations and objectives of the request
- Jay Bee Consulting’s approach and way of working
A contract is established on agreement of both parties.
What is Coaching for Performance?
Coaching for Performance is an executive coaching certification issued by Performance Consultants International Ltd. Performance Consultants was co-founded by Sir John Whitmore, the pioneer of workplace coaching, author of the original best-selling book, Coaching for Performance and co-creator of the GROW model. To find out more, click here: Performance Consultants International
What is EQ-i ?
The Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i) is the world’s first emotional intelligence assessment tool. The test assesses our ability to know our emotions, understand them as well as understand and take into account the emotions of others.
The use of emotional intelligence applies in many areas, leadership, management, team cohesion, personal development, recruitment…
To find out more, click here: Centre d’Intelligence Emotionnelle
What is MBTI ®?
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a psychometric test that allows you to identify your psychological preference among 16 types and develop your knowledge of yourself and others.
Knowing yourself better improves interpersonal relations, collaboration, teamwork, etc.
To find out more, click here: The Myers Briggs Company
What is Everything DiSC® ?
The DiSC psychrometric tool, an acronym for Dominant, Influential, Stable, Conscientious. It enables people to gain a better understanding of their mode of communication and the comfort and discomfort zones according to the different components.
A better understanding of the different profiles, including one’s own, improves interpersonal relations, collaboration, teamwork, etc.
To find out more, click here: Everything DiSC®
What is MétaNature® ?
“MétaNATURE® is a unique concept of scientifically recognised “outside the walls” support, an approach to personal and professional development, coaching, mediation and care using nature as a vector of expression; which can be used as a support, training and fun tools for revitalising human ecosystems.”
Link MétaNATURE®
What is Codevelopment (Codev) ?
Codev is a methodology of structured collective reflection. It is a specific process that is facilitated in six stages.
A co-development workshop is a small group of people (8), with no hierarchical link. The objective of the workshop is to improve professional practices by benefiting from the experiences, points of view, ideas and learning from each other.
To learn more, visit Codevelopment.
Qu’est ce Situational Leadership® ?
Ken Blanchard and Paul Hersey developed the Situational Leadership® theory model that demonstrates that there is no “one size fits all” leadership style.
The model explains that adapting the leadership style to each unique situation or task to meet the needs of the team or team members is a key enabler for performance, motivation, personal development and builds strong interpersonal relations.
For more information, visit the Situational Leadership theory Wikipedia page.
Qu’est ce l’intelligence émotionnelle?
According to Daniel Goleman, American psychologist and father of emotional intelligence, emotional intelligence is « the ability to understand and manage one’s own emotions and those of others ».
Emotional intelligence refers to a person’s ability to perceive, understand, manage and express their own emotions, as well as those of others, in order to solve problems and regulate emotion-related behaviour.
(réf: wikipédia)
Qu’est ce Design Thinking ?
Design Thinking is a method and process of co-creation and innovation used to find a solution to a market, industry or organisational need. It follows five logical steps in a non-linear process to optimise the success and realisation of a solution.
This method can be applied to an explicit or unexpressed need and ensures the reliability and realisation of a solution.
To find out more, click here: Design Thinking
Qu’est ce Coaching Skills for Managers ?
Coaching Skills for Managers is a Coach U Coaching Clinic certification. It has earned a reputation as a comprehensive, yet easy-to-implement, on-the-job coaching skills training for managers, supervisors and leaders.
Qu’est ce l’intelligence collective?
Collective intelligence is the intellectual capacity of a group of people to work together in a collaborative way, benefiting from the diversity of the individuals in the group, whether it be in terms of skills, profile, expertise etc.